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Engulfed by pain

I cry helplessly.

No glimmer of hope

In sight.

I await freedom

Bound in chains of life.

Will this darkness

Never dispel ?

Good always triumphs

Over evil.

When shall it happen

With me? I await freedom…..


Ankur said…
समां खामोश सा बेक़रार करता है
सहमा सहमा सा इंतज़ार करता है
गम के अँधेरे मंजर मे भी
ये दिल जीने का इंतज़ार करता है

Hope you get your freedom... soon! :)
Pooja said…
Freedom awaits u! u jus need 2 break d chain.. :)

nice piece!! I feel d essence of d kinda poetry i do in dis write-up..
Rià said…
nicely done gurl!!
Tulika said…
Nice verse.

It stirred many desires.
The West Wind said…
Nice post.. Very insghtful :)
Pankhuri said…
Wait until you succeed !

the silence, the await all shall end soon with a nice smile on your face :)

best wishes :)
Abhishek Behera said…
coincidence- after publishing mine i see didi has a similar post! (certainly not the same but similar - hope and eternity and despair). The Jay-AND-Kay effect? :)

on a more serious note - why so sad? what happened?
Cinderella said…
Freedom....tough subject. For me in all in our minds. Open it!
Thousif Raza said…
interesting......... but what makes you say that?, you love to study, alwayz drink your milk, have24 hour internet, aur kya chahiye????? ;)

unless it the 'L' word ;)

well whatever it is let u find freedom :)

take care and keep writing.............
Me said…
After a long time, there comes a post which is dark yet sensitive, from you.

I so very like it :)
Quest said…
On a lighter note Aug 15 is still far away ;)
Hemanth Potluri said…
nicely written sis :)..

Rajlakshmi said…
very beautifully penned... good used to triumph over evil... reply it seems is stuck somewhere in between...
How do we know said…
kabhi kabhi, a freedom other than the one we want, is also possible.. na?

All the Best!
Anwesa said…
that was a lovely verse. thanks for coming here.
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
@west wind,

:) thanks!!
Anwesa said…
that was such a sweet reply..thanks!!
Anwesa said…

yes, jay and kay effect undeniably!

sad...a bit of a trivial its gone.
Anwesa said…
trying to...
Anwesa said…

:) in search of it...
Anwesa said…
thank u !!!
Anwesa said…

but jan 26 was close by :P
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
freedom from the chains of life...
Anwesa said…
@how do we know,

sorry,cudnt understand "the freedom other than the one we want"

thanks for visiting though !
excellent... well done sister
Anwesa said…

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