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The more you point out my mistakes,
The more you are drawn towards me.

The more you try to hurt me,
The more you bleed in your heart.

The more you run away from me,
The more my memories haunt you.

The more you want to forget me,
The more you are reminded of my presence.

The more you want to chase me away,
The closer I come to you.

The more you hate me,
The more you end up loving me.

The more you call me an “illusion”
The more I dawn as the reality of your life….


Priya Joyce said…
contradiction....nice concept.
Anwesa said…
@lil' priya,
thanx dear!!
Anonymous said…
Hey i just loved it.... n i wish it comes true in ma case the way u ve written... lovely .
Anwesa said…
best of luck !
P said…
nice one...actually too nice to be called nice..
Cinderella said…
Irony thy name is life !
I have always believed so...good one girlie.
Me said…
Yeah I agree with Nanhi Pari...

beautiful concept...
Anonymous said…
just beautiful:)
Richa said…
beautiful beautiful....
rainboy said…
i can relate to this one so much..i wanted to write something like this but i just couldn't find the words...
thanks for writing this.

hugs and tc
Abhishek Behera said…
abstract yet so touching... sweet... true - indeed very true! LOVELY!!
Yamini Meduri said…
the more i move away from you
the more your beauty brings me to you

the more i stop to read you
the more you make me love the reading

the more i wish u to write
the more you use your pen

the more i smile at your beauty
the more beautiful you become

nice lines dear....i felt these lines after reading yours..hope you like them..!!!
Lucifer said…
r u dat illusion i have been seein in d mist all these days...

loved those lines...beautiful!!!
Anwesa said…
@jinxed pixie,
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!glad 2 see u here!!
Phoenix said…
i take back my words

its perfect the way you penned it down!!! :)

beautiful as always..
Anwesa said…
thanx ....
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!keep blogging..
Anwesa said…
@abhishek sim,
thanx....long tym...glad 2 c u..
Anwesa said…
i wish i cud b able 2 reply 2 u in poetry..but thanx a lot..for making my day beautiful..
Anwesa said…
i wish i were an illusion,
but i'm real,though shrouded in mist.
thanx 4 reading...
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!lotz of luv..
Abhishek Behera said…
@ anwesa: ya i m equally glad to be back... :)
Anonymous said…
i m mesmerised at the illusion of no illusion
wow beautiful.

i esp liked the last two lines :)
Keshi said…
WOW beautifully expressed!

**The more you run away from me,
The more my memories haunt you.

I somehow love that one the most...cos its so true in many aspects of life.

Diana Sahu said…
Ahhh...just loved the last line gal...beautiful poem.
Anwesa said…
@abhishek sim,
Anwesa said…
@americanising desi,
thanx dear!!
Anwesa said…
thanx ..i think the last two lines sum up d entire post..
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading dear!!n i liked ur reply..
Anwesa said…
thanx..means a lot coz its 4m u..
Ratzzz said…
The more you try to hurt me,
The more i forgive u...

sighzzz.. wish i cud be so strong every time...okzz i changed that line..
joie de vivre said…
the more we carve to read you
Anwesa said…
@the rat,
well,ur line sounded like the last words of Jesus Christ.I wish we could be that strong..
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!
Anil Sawan said…
wow. i luvd the title.. but looks like a dare to some one :P
bondgal_rulz said…
Take a bow girl....AWESOME work. :)

Anwesa said…
thanx...(un)lucky someone...
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!!
Kartz said…
Simple, yet profound.

Your composition bears a surreal similarity to my blog title and tag line.

Keep writing. Spread the voice.

Peace. Have a nice weekend.
Amrita~Ams said…
lovely...i mean beautiful...:)
Anonymous said…
superb two line opposite post! :)

wow-ed me!
Anwesa said…
keep smiling..
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading!!yes,i noticed what you meant...
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 visiting!!!
Anwesa said…
really?then i do deserve a pat on my back!!well done Anwesa!!
Hemanth Potluri said…
anwe..that was a good one...u are a good poet...u come up with beautiful things :)..

Mampi said…
Love does this to people my dear.
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
yeah,i agree..thanx 4 visiting..
Aneesh said…
Revenge? like a ghost?
renaye said…
reminds me of my immortal song.
Anwesa said…
wow man!!ur very creative.i nvr thot on "horror" lines..but u nvr end up loving a ghost,do u ?
ur comment once again reminded me dat ur a 1st rate ntertainer on blogger..keep blogging..
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 visiting..
pisku said…
Very well put
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 visiting..
alok said…
Lovely! And ofcourse "more is more" :)

P.S : Anwesa, you have been tagged! do pick it up from my blog.
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading!!i'm a music maniac n ll take up d tag 4 sure!!
Wow, what a piece of peotry...I love the contadictions that travel till the end...Nice blog!!
I am blogrolling you! :)
Anwesa said…
thanx dear...keep blogging..
Onward said…
wow..that was real neat!!..real swell..very contradictory but therz no contradicting the fact that boy can u write poems!!...

good stuff gal..good stuff
Anwesa said…
@dream r,
thanx 4 reading..
Rocky said…
Rightly said :)
neatly written
i am glad to see these posts.
just a little suggestion, don't do any more tags
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading..
i'll give ur suggestion a thot..
Anonymous said…
Wow. Brilliant stuff. I like the dichotomy in the poem. :)
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading...
Anwesa said…
Hmmmm that was just illusion that's why you can escape....

Good one, infact sometimes its difficult to think of various directions in which we want to make the theme go...
Like in yours was beautifully justified....

Is that also the case in case of LOVE..
i am sure its not... :)

After your reply to my comment in yamini's 149th post, i have come down to check your craziness and sanity... :P

Hope we can make friends..

Anwesa said…
thanx 4 visiting..its gr8 2 c u took tym off n wrote a detailed reply here..keep blogging..
Arnab Majumdar said…
Brilliant concept there, and very well presented too... crisp writing. Loved it :)

Blogrolling you, cheers...
Anwesa said…
@arnab majumdar,
thanx 4 visiting n givin such an ncouraging reply...
Haritha P Singh said…
hmm.. a sweet yet meaningful poem.
do comment on ma blog...
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!just visited ur blog n posted a reply..
Anwesa said…
Razzer said…
Lol. That's sometimes true...undeniably. A person's gotta hv the will of an OX to get over it.

Diya said…
loved it, very synonymous with the other side of love and also to the concept of Illusion and reality, great:)
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 visiting n postin a reply!!
keep blogging!!
Anwesa said…
@diya, was ncouraging 2 hear dat..
what a beautiful poem anwesa! and what a beautiful blog!
first time here. loved it very very much. will be back...
Anwesa said…
@little girl lost,
thanx dear!!gr8 2 see a new reader..gonna visit ur blog soon..
lets keep blogging...
Lena said…

beautifully done!
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!
Rià said…
tht was very interesting!!
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!!
Jagjit said…
That teaches one lesser. Let it happen. Do not resist. Sometimes the best way is to give up. LOVED the poem. Keep writing. :)
Anwesa said…
Aneesh said…
well, thanks for that 1st rate ntertainer words again [collars high] :)

BTW, I guess, ghost do attract/temp people, but lust might be a more correct word.
Anwesa said…
nah!!this post is nowhere close to theme of lust.i'm sure abt it !!
Anonymous said…
The last line sums it up...
very very meaningful and understanding:)
Is it based on real contradictions in your life?
Anonymous said…
hey, am leaving comments on all posts I missed all these days I was away...hope you read through them.
Just a suggestion:enable comment moderation.That way you will also get to know when somebody replies to a post after such a long time.(Its just a suggestion-please don't mind)
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 d reply dear...this poem is somewat an expression of my experiences,not totally tho...
Anwesa said…
i dint enable comment moderation coz i wanted to give my readers complete freedom to speak their mind,without inhibitions.dun worry,i'll reply 2 all d comments u post...keep smiling...
Hemanth Potluri said…
hey anwe...wat happen stoped coming by my place..:(..

Vinz said…
Loved those lines Anwesa..
Coming after a long time and found a gud piece...very true lines

Anwesa said…
i'll visit ur place asap...i was bg 4 my its over...
Anwesa said…
@vinz aka vinu,
hey!!nice 2 see u...thanx 4 ur appreciation...

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