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You were a friend….
Maybe I thought so….
In happier times
You smiled back to me.
A year passed…
Fortunes changed…
You were in skies…
Dancing with joy…
And I ….
Ha! On earth….
Struggling to take off….
I did eventually fly…
Met you up again…
You seemed like a stranger…
Moments of pain came…
I cried yet kept afloat…
Maybe I cursed you.
Today we travel together….
You give me a smile…
I don’t return it…
You don’t give up…


Rià said…
Hmm...thats how life is. Isnt it!?
Hemanth Potluri said…
sometimes it hard to take what comes...sometimes its sad :(...

Abhishek Behera said…

forgive? talk-it-over? some say kiss might also help. :P

deep. dark. good one!
Nikhil Menon said…
awwwwwwww.... :(


Anwesa said…
if this is life,i wud better die...
its shameful of opportunists to pose as "friends"...
Anwesa said…
:( :(

:( :( :(
Anwesa said…
yes...its sad,piercing and sometimes killing too...
Anwesa said…
@abhishek sim,
yeah,its not-quite-fiction...

may be i'll forgive someday,but not very soon I guess..

talk-it-over...its a dead thing,talking would freshen up wounds.

I can't kiss too-she's a girl and.....hope you'll understand :P

thanks for your comment...cudn't resist replying to it :)
Anwesa said…
thanks for that gift-wrapped smile..
made me smile too :)
Rià said…
unfortunately this is how most of the ppl are around hun!! u have to deal with it. And dont talk abt dieing!! :(
Anonymous said…
sad... but it happens! smile Anwe! lemme giftwrap more smiles for u from my side too..
Anonymous said…
i second ria too...
don't u dare talk about dying!
Anwesa said…
hmm..i guess i did not try to know the real person behind this "friend" of mine.

Thanks for visiting this post again and speaking your mind :)

and i'm not dying too soon,after all,i've a beautiful life to live and this wonderful blog of mine to take care of :) :) :)
Anwesa said…
yes,i'm smiling now :) all my anger is gone from my heart...n it was wonderful having you here :)
Thousif Raza said…
touched as always, mehek how do you write so well???, its like a spider's web just doesn't leave you even after you have left touching it, awesome is all i can i say...... great to see you back in touch

take care and keep writing.........
Anwesa said…
@thousif raza,
thanks for the wondeful compliment. this post was an expression of pain I had nursed since long. Now the pain is gone.
btw,i liked d comparison with spider's web.
Priya Joyce said…
hmmm well ......i ddn't find tat sad..yeh tat's ironical..
bt not sad..i one frnd..but amidst of that..the subtle message...that yeh..after all u care only when we r equals..

gud one
Anwesa said…
And I guessed friendship was a relationship that needs compatibility not equality...
Anonymous said…
Very nice!!! Forgiveness might take time :)

This is a lovely blog!!
Anwesa said…
yeah,it may take a lifetime :(

thanks for visiting...

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