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As I was walking ,
Choosing the hues of life,
Rainclouds made an appearance
On the sunny sky above.
Scuttling through untrodden paths,
The narrow bylanes,not a soul around,
I was indeed lost - Drops of rain
Chased me - but Ahoy! a way was found.

P.S. :My first attempt on acrostic poetry.Hope my readers will like it. To know more about acrostics,click the link given.


Arv said…
lovely one... i should try this form sometime...

have a nice day, cheers..
Hemanth Potluri said…
Yo :)....*claps* beautifully done anwe...just loved i should be trying this type..:)..

Anya said…
well written

but i dint understand the mood with which you wrote this.. whats the inspiration behind this?

Abhishek Behera said…
refreshingly new! wow... and yes wiki link helped - thanks. i would try this sometime...
Richa said…
awesome attempt n the verse is b'ful too :)
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading...waiting 2 read ur attempt..
Anwesa said…
thanx...eagerly waiting 2 read ur acrostic poetry...
Anwesa said…
wen i wrote this,i aimed at writing an matter what the theme was..her,the narrator gets lost on the way and at the end,a path is ends on an optimistic note.
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
@abhishek sim,
thanx...i was getting monotonous with many of my readers thanx again..waiting 2 see acrostics on ur blog..
Anwesa said…
thanx...i'm overjoyed :)
Ratzzz said…
so d rain drops did chase u to find ur own path.... cool...

:-) cute one Phoenix..

u missed me and i am here... ask and u shall get :P
Haritha P Singh said…
a really good n refreshing try..
gota new idea to start wid...
Yamini Meduri said…
wow Anwesa.....a nice Acro dear..!!!

Loved it very much...looking forward for many more acros from you..!!!

this one is beautiful..!!!
Dhanya said…
Wow... a very good 'first attempt' dear... Keep it up!
Rià said…
wow!!tht was very well written. :)
Phoenix said…
is this really your first peom in acrostic?? wow didnt look like one... u r a pro when it comes to words..kudos girl!!

can i safely assume that ur next attempt is that post u wrote... shush... i dont want to let the cat out of the bag... :)
Me said…
Hmm... but a way was found :) Indeed....

I was waiting for u to post something for a long time and I am glad you came back and that too with a bang... Stay now.
Anil Sawan said…
anwesa, its luvly :)
Keshi said…
quite inspirational WOW!

Anonymous said…
no one would believe its ur 1st attempt! Just brilliant!
Lucifer said…

u kno m a big fan of ur words...pity u dont write more often
Anwesa said…
@the rat,
nice 2 read ur reply,but i'm not phoenix..
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading dear!!waiting 2 read ur post..
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!it was wonderful 2 get such encouraging words from u..
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!glad 2 see ur reply..
Anwesa said…
yes,its my 1st attempt and its wonderful feeling to be appreciated by u so lavishly :D
yes,ur assumption is totally true :)
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading dear...i'll stay for sure..:) after all,i'm starving for dose xtraordinarily superior,mindblowing replies 4m u..
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!it means a lot(coming 4m u) :D
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!i'm overwhelmed by this reply!!!lotsa love!!
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!it feels real gr8 to get responses like this..i'll write oftener now since its vacation tym 4 me...
Rocky said…
Nice to see you posting after a long time. Neatly written, though you say it is the first time you are doing it.
Great going buddy.
btw, what do you do?
Take up professional writing. you would excel in it
Smita said…
wow!!! Not only did I enjoy reading the poem I also learned a new form of writing :)

I am not good at poems.....but you are so amazing when it comes to this!! :) Keep up the good work...your mom must be really proud of you :)
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading!!!
i'm an engg undergrad;so i can become a professional writer.but i wonder if all my readers ll like to read me :)
Anwesa said…
welcome to my blog dear!!!i'm waiting to read ur acrostic..:)
Anwesa said…
thanx a lot!!few months back,i believed i cud nvr write poems,but something happened(i dunno wat) n i wrote poems..this is my 15th poem
maybe ur case ll b similar.after all,they say-poetry is the overflow of powerful emotions.
Keshi said…
Anwesa u just said in my blog that u wish u cud write like me? well look at ur own work! Im highly impressed and here I am sitting here wishing I cud write POETRY like u! cos I cant :)

Anwesa said…
hmm..ya,ur rite.if all of us were d same,life wud hav been so insipid..thank u my frnd 4 writing so well and complimenting me too...
Anonymous said…
good thoughts! :)
an acrostic on an acrostic! :D
Anwesa said…
thanx!!!i learnt the words "acrostic","loop poetry" after visiting your blog.thanx 4 dat too!!!
Priya Joyce said…
this just rocked gal.... lovely and btw lagta hei sleeping has had a good effect on u :P

sleep well and write..better :P
Anwesa said…
@lil' priya,
thanx dear!!!!!
bondgal_rulz said…
Beautiful work there.

Loved it beyond words. :)

Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!wonderful to see u here!!!
Femin Susan said…
great shot and a lovely poem.
Rocky said…
You don't need to think about whether your readers like it or not. All these readers now like your writing and hence they keep visiting you day after day. Take up professional writing and you would be able to give your readers your best :)
Good luck
joie de vivre said…
hmm good one..i didnt knew about acrostics poetry
rainboy said…
this seems fun...
you have done a gr8 job
Anwesa said…
@femin susan,
Anwesa said…
thanx a lot for the encouragement!!
maybe someday,u'll hold my book in your hands...
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading !!!
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading!!!!
Cinderella said…
dear, this dfinitely doesnt feel like an amatuer attempt for sure !

Loved it. Soecially the high spirited way in which you concluded it.

nice !!
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!(i nvr want myself to get :D)
Rajesh said…
Wow!!! Great!!! I hope 2 try this sumtime...urs is a wonderful attempt..keep it up..
Anwesa said…
it's a very very very beautiful acrostic. :)
Anwesa said…
thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rushabhh Gandhi said…
Super Awesome.....
Sounds Vintage Poetry... Felt as if reading from the pages which have faded and turned yellow but still has its fragrance of words and emotions...
Anwesa said…
@rushabh gandhi, was a wonderful to see ur reply..
Thousif Raza said…
gr8 attempt girl it was cool

1st timer and i love it already

take care and keep writing.......
Anwesa said…
@Thousif Raza M B,
thanx...gr8 2 see ur reading my older posts too...thanx a lot!!!

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