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"Its not your eyes,
But the caring look in them

Its not your lips,
But the beautiful smile on them

Its not your appearance,
But your graceful form

Its not your charms,
But your warm, soft expressions

That enraptured my heart.
Made me fall for you.
And made myself yours-
Forever . "

Vishu had never mustered enough courage to show it to Shweta,the love of his life.The one who ushered in him a new zeal to live-not merely exist.She was one woman on earth whom he wanted to be his.Forever.
Today,Vishu was thinking of Shweta and only her.Her smile,her caring attitude-everything seemed to have cast a spell on him.Forever.
to be continued...


Hemanth Potluri said…
is this really ficiton...its so beautifully written tho :)...

**Its not your lips,
But the beautiful smile on them

this line was simply suberb anwe....

its beautful second part :).....


P.S: now i am angry wer have u been not visiting me ?huh !..:P..
Anwesa said…
@hemanth potluri,
what may be fiction to one,may b truth 4 another.thanx 4 ur lovely comments.err..i'm sorry i hadn't seen ur blog 4 sumtym now,sorry..
visitin it now...
Tara said…
Lovely again! :)

"And made myself yours-

Beautiful words there. :)

(Are Vishu and Shweta real people or fiction? It all seems so real.)
Hemanth Potluri said…
wats up with the formal comment reply....u forgot the nick u gave me :P...its ok..i know ur a student u should be busy with ur hectic schedules...i can understand that :)..anyways nice to see ya bloggin even tho ur busy :)..

Me said…
B-E-A-utiful :)

I am such a fan of urs... well cant u send me a digital autograph of urs...coz am not sure abt anyone else but you... You will make it really big in the world of creative writing one day :)
Abhishek Behera said…
chosen petals
from the poetess
one by one.

novel way of story-telling.

didi, you are a trend-setter! know what i mean rite? (I am gonna copy this style soon :P)
Anwesa said…
thanx dear..a very gud compliment indeed..
well,till now,shweta n vishu r fiction 4 me.dunno if they can bump into any of the bloggers' life..(me included).
Anwesa said…
thanx dearie...bowled over by ur compliments..autograph~u'll b 1st to receive it when tym comes..
well,eagerly waiting 4 ur story series to unfold..ur nothing short of a romantic genius..
Anwesa said…
@abhishek sim,
if only i cud show u the brilliant dazzling coy smile u'v gifted me rite now!!
:) well,i dont mind if u copy this "style" of mine..
lukkydivz said…
to be continued? :P :P

anwi's poetry is getting better with every post ;)
Anwesa said…
yes,2 b continued...
thanx dearie!!!
Hemanth Potluri said…
hey forgot to say :)....u put the display image its soo nice of u :) looks good :)...

and wats the reply only a smile :P..

Phoenix said…
truly beautiful....

hey where are you anwesa?? no news?? :O
Yamini Meduri said…
wow....beautiful.....i just fell in love with the lines....

Anwesa said…
@art and poetry,
Anwesa said…
d pic was gifted by u,thanx 4 it.
n yes,u'll kno wat these smileys mean in due tym...
Anwesa said…
thanx..well,i think i frequent ur blog often...i'm here, blogging, hale n hearty..
:) keep visiting...
Anwesa said…
thanx dear...
Anonymous said…
Story writing mode too, few more ppl doing it......

but nobody does it better than u.....

short an crisp, depth n divine :)
Anil Sawan said…
i am sure Vishu is in a magical spell! Beautiful piece of creativity. Would wait for the third :)
Keshi said…
spells can be dangerous too ;-)

well-written Anwesa!

muZer said…
awww.. m lovin these poetic tales of urzz ,, Anwesa.. :-)

gr88 gng.. beautiful,, indeed.. :-) waitin for da nxt.. :-)
DMulan said…
nice thing you've got going on here anwesa... vishu and shweta sound so real.
Lucifer said…
i have my serious doubts that this is fiction
Vinz said…
loved it..great advancement from the first part....

~~Its not your lips,
But the beautiful smile on them~~

loved those lines..!!
Anonymous said…
wow... poetic fiction...!! superb anwesa...!! :)
Anonymous said…
and i agree with divz... poetry becoming awesome every day...!! :)
Anwesa said…
@sam, was a beautiful compliment...keep blogging...
Anwesa said…
well,i hope so..thanx 4 d compliments.. glad 2 c u here again..
Anwesa said…
yes,n sometimes there is beauty hidden in danger..
Anwesa said…
thanx a lot 4 visitin!!hope i'll not disappoint u..
Anwesa said…
thanx dear...i hope i can carry the story well..
Anwesa said…
well,ur doubts can b put to rest. for shweta n vishu have not entered my real lyf yet..its wonderful 2 kno dat u lyked dis so much...
Anwesa said…
@vinz aka vinu,
thanx..n most of my readers seem 2 lyk that particular line.hope u'll njoy d subsequent parts too...
Anwesa said…
thanx...thanx ..n more thanx...
Aneesh said…
Well tried romantic post... waiting for the next part
Anwesa said…
thanx..yes,xploring other avenues of writing...
Anonymous said…
Is it your life? Looks like it..but keep on curious to know what happens next!:)
Trinaa said…
yummy post!! vishu seems cute :D
Devika Jyothi said…
Hi Anwesha,

First time here..and i see most of my friends here...

The post is a cute little one to me, but there's a purity in it eternality to it..that's got something to do with true love...

when I see people still holding these as a treasured value, atleast in thoughts..i feel so positive...

loved the visit here

Anwesa said…
its all my imagination,a far cry 4m my real lyf.well,thanx 4 visiting....
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 visitin..cute???okay,gr8..
Anwesa said…
thanx for visiting dear..i luvd ur comments.the world is full of good ppl,only they need to use their goodness often.
Cяystal said…
Wow! well can someone describe a special friends..Kudos to yu,dearie...
disclose the mystic n b'ful parts one by one..we're waiting!
Anwesa said…
thanx....keep blogging..
Pranav Kumar V said…
"Its not your eyes,
But the caring look in them

Its not your lips,
But the beautiful smile on them...

Are you talking of two real people here?? I mean real as in the real world... not real in imagination!! :P

Great one!! Anyways, see you when I see you... :)
Anwesa said…
@pranav kumar v,
well,its all imagination.
thanx 4 visiting...
rainboy said…
the smile on lips was so wow..
loved it yaar..
Kartz said…
That was a nice recital... Lucid...


Hey, dropping in after ages. Got done with my exams... Off to read what I've missed.

Blog updated. It aint showing up on any blogroll. I hate blogger for doing this to me! x(
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 visiting..don't hate blogger,love it coz it gav u a nice set of frnds...
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading..
Lena said…
aww.. thats really lovely :)
beautifully written :)
Kartz said…
Of course... Duh! Wrote that out of frustration madam.
Suresh Kumar said…
Vishu shud have taken courage and said this song to shweta and like filmi ishtyle kissed her :)

And she wud have blushed and kissed back with these lines from that song (i dont remember the entire song or the lines) "For it was not into my ear you whispered,but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed but my soul "

That wud have been the scene if the girl likes him. Otherwise, like that old MTV ad, 'One Tight Slap'

Fiction or otherwise, the post brought a smile on my lips. :)

Lets move to the next chapter in the saga
Anwesa said…
@suresh kumar,
well,dat wud have been sumthing else then...but,it happened this way...:)keep reading..sumtyms fiction is not filmi..
Resurgence said…
Gal You are good... worthy sequel to yur last post..... though I'm reading it a bit late it seems.. :)
Anwesa said…

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