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I was on my way,
Driving at full speed,
Eager to reach home,
When I saw you
And you took my breath away.

You kept staring
And I just flew past you.
A loud horn blaring .
I couldn’t help but think of you.

As I reached home
I wanted you to be with me.
Emotions held their sway,
Since you had taken my breath away.

Next day I went in a foray,
You had taken my breath away.
When finally you came my way,
It was like “hip-hip-hooray”!!!



Tara said…
Hehe Anwesa! Good work! The ending was just not what I had! Lucky Lamborghini...wonder if anyone has paid such a tribute to it! :)

PS. Am the first to comment! Yippee!
Anwesa said…
glad dat it made u was one of the craziest stuff i'v ever posted..but,i guess dats the way i'm-crazy abt lambhorghini..i'm sure many ppl wud luv 2 buy it..
Anonymous said…
when i saw the title
i thought it was romance
i read the words so nice
it took me in a trance

then i saw the ending line
it knocked me out of my dream
it was romance but with a car
you love it, so does it seem

nice sense of rhyme. loved it!! :D
Anwesa said…
it was a fab reply!!dat too in poetry!!well,thanx 4 reading all my posts so diligently..thanx 4 dat..
Anonymous said…
lamborghini:) well I too thought some romance coming up, but knowing you...sure a surprise is instore
Prashant Sree said…
Poor ones, the other cars... They were quetching that you didnt notice them but rather choose only the Lamborghini... ;)

Nice brief lines !!
k.ø.c.h.ü said…
:) dat was super cool..!!! lucky lamborghini...!!! i had a similar crush mobile phone..!!!
chk dis out:

Abhishek Behera said…

similar tastes :"it wasn't your fault". So from the 2nd paragraph itself i had sensed what the ending was likely to be.

good concept. but due to a previous post on similar themes - i felt it to be a bit predictable. the punch of surprise was a bit dampened.

also when you have a crush on someone (and not something) you usually wouldn't feel the way as in the poem (at least i don't find the blaring horn/some1 staring at me as distantly romantic). that also revealed surprise prematurely.

and when am I seeing the short-story?? Eagerly waiting ! best wishes! cheers :D
Anwesa said…
so suprise endings r becomin predictable..something must b done abt it.thanx 4 reading..
Anwesa said…
@prashant shree,
thanx 4 reading!!well,poor other cars..3 cheers 4 lambhorghini!!!
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 readin doc!!n yes,i remember your post on ur mobile phone,surely gonna chek d uder link..
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
@abhishek sim,
thanx 4 ur critical was a wonderful feedback.ya,i too thot so n i think i'll soon b out with a short story(God willing).
lots of luv n luk 2 u..
Sagari said…
haha, very nice anwesa
Phoenix said…
lol! really a fine post this is... lamborghini is now proud of having a poem on its name.. :P
Anwesa said…
thanx..n i'll b proud d day it comes my way!!
Priya said…
That was creative and if u had not said car, well donno wat I wud have thought of...
Priya Joyce said…
haha ur drm car wow.

hmm work was cool....

wah car par bhi poems ghor kalyug..:P

RiverSoul said…
Whoa- a poem dedicated to my dream car!
Thank you, Anwesa
Me said…
he he

I assumed it to be a love-poem...but you always surprise me... :)

This is a good piece of work...especially wen itz for a dream car.
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading..
Anwesa said…
@art and poetry,
Anwesa said…
@priya joyce,
wah!kya comment tha!!
kalyug mein car hi to yaar he!!
Anwesa said…
:) :)
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!hope 1 de i'll surprise u by not suprising !!!lol
Anonymous said…
Thats really cute! loved your blog-have blogrolled you:)
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 visiting n blogrolling me..
keep visiting..
Mampi said…
Oww, thats sho cute.
I had somehow lost your blog,,, but I meant to come back to read you.
Will come here more often.
I Guess i should blogroll you, that way i wont miss ur posts.
peter said…
cool and sweet two words for the poem !!!

and unbeatable is the word for the Lamborghini:P
Anwesa said…
i just hope we dont lose each other dis tym..ya,blogrollin is a gud idea..
Anwesa said…
thanx...see my poems r not alwez on family :)
Lucifer said…
nice one

btw u shud really chk this link out after this post
Cяystal said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anwesa said…
thanx :)
chekin d link..
Anwesa said…
thanx gal..of course,it was luv at 1st sight 4 lambhorghini n me..n yes,i'll visit ur blog..
Hemanth Potluri said…
:)....another poetess ...good work anwe :)....

Anwesa said…
@hemanth potluri,
Sameera Ansari said…
Wow!That's a unique dedication now :)

Nice verse!
Pooja said…
interestin' endin'...

nice one!!!
Aneesh said…
oohoo! So, lamborghini fan? I like ferrari and porshe more. In indian roads? Benz?
well, but its a personal choice.
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 d comment,i think indian roads will b fit 4 lambhorghini by d tym i buy it..
Kartz said…
Wow... Lambo! :)

Watched a Gallardo vrrrom past the other morning. Yellow/black color, early morning, beach... The combination was just perfect...

Good 'un again...
Anwesa said…
Anonymous said…

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