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I can’t help loving you,
Your harsh tone doesn’t deter me.
May be I’m not quite like the one you dreamt of,
But nevertheless,I can’t help loving you.

Sometimes you shower me with
all affection and care,
And sometimes its pure seething anger I receive.
With reason of course.

The look in your eyes speaks of
immeasurable,fathomless love
That you want to bestow on me
Throughout my life and after.

I dared to dream because you
Reposed your faith in me.
You made me feel special.
Not only did you give me birth
But also a life.
Its all your doing Mom,
Its your life that I’m living today.


Anonymous said…
very sweet poem anwesa!! :)

proves the fact...that poetry neednt be rhyming!! :)

lukkydivz said…
:) sweet dedication to ur mom, on children's day :P
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 being so kind..thanx a lot..
Anwesa said…
thanx..ya,also the chandrayan probe landed on moon 2de...
Anwesa said…
@all my readers,
i wanted to tell much more,but words failed me.
Abhishek Behera said…
these are some the most precious lines I have ever read.

"And sometimes its pure seething anger I receive.
With reason of course."

"Its all your doing Mom,
Its your life that I’m living today."

I wish I had more leisure to ponder, to absorb the lines...
Anil Sawan said…
wonderful poem and on the right day :-)
Anonymous said…
Ohhh Woah...I think this is beautiful!
Although each life is our own, yet there is such a unique hand of our parent's and dear ones in it...:)
Sorry, I know I'm a bit inconsistent in commenting these days :)
Lena said…
a very sweet dedication dear, beautiful lines and so true too :)
Diana Sahu said…
Did ur Mom read this? She would b so proud. Lovely lines.
Trinaa said…
u cant help loving him?? neither.. :P
lovely lines...went well with my thoughts :)
peter said…
so nice poem ..with pure love gets reflected at the end !!
peter said…
@ trinaa

kabhi toh pura post padha kar :X
Priya Joyce said…
tat was reely a very well written piece re
Mads said…
really well written poem.. :D
im showing it to my mom :D
Tara said…
Beautifully written! Must say, your mom's really lucky to have such a wonderful daughter as you!

"I dared to dream because you
Reposed your faith in me."

Very true indeed! Good job! Keep the good work going! :)
Anonymous said…
Hey Anwesa!!
Needless to say, your expressing powers are going up with every post :)
very well written.
and yeah, words do fail when you want to write about special ones.
Rocky said…
and hey
do check out my blog and comment there.
if you can, ask some readers to check my blog as well
Cяystal said…
This was SO sweet yar..
What a dedication..hats off! :)

Exams khatam?
Anonymous said…
Beautiful :)
Lucifer said…
awwww dat was sooooo sweet...loved it completely
k.ø.c.h.ü said…
n i cant help tellin dis: LOVELY...!!!
Anwesa said…
@abhishek sim,
thanx a lot..
Anwesa said…
thanx..keep visiting whenever u can..
Anwesa said…
thanx dear...
Anwesa said…
not yet,i want to give her a bouquet of my poems at a time.
maybe a pleasant surprise for her!!
Anwesa said…
????????????did u read b4 posting a comment?
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading..
Anwesa said…
@lil' priya,
Anwesa said…
thanx.. wow!!!
Anwesa said…
thank u..u made me feel wonderful!!
Anwesa said…
thanx...n yes,my xams r ovr 4 now..
Anwesa said…
thanx darling!!!
Anwesa said…
thanx doc!!!
Kartz said…
I don't want to get too clichéd... Others have spelled every word that can come to the mind on reading this.

All I will say is that this was a very thoughtful dedication on Children's Day. A moment to think of the person who is responsible for our very breath today.

Wonderfully penned. Kudos.

Trust your exams went well.

Peace. Be well.
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading!!xams went pretty well,i think..
Aneesh said…
Cool! Coming up with another poem?
Nice poem. Yup! Mother's love is special indeed! and love itself is special, no matter who gives it, isn't it?
Anwesa said…
thanx..ya.luv matters...

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