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  We had innumerable chance meetings ever since I was born. And always you made an impression. Of being the best I had ever seen. Some seven years ago, when I first came to live with you, it was quite an incident. Moving ( or even uprooting ) myself from a well-settled hometown life, I wanted to take a chance. With you. I wanted to grow with you. You were older and wiser. I was young, nubile and naïve. Wisdom is certainly not expected of normal teenagers. And me – someone who had dreams, ambitions, expectations, aspirations – a tad bit higher. Our first few days – adjustments, awesomeness and sometimes, utter helplessness – it all sounds so hilarious today. Then we kind of a liked each other. You began to grow on me. I had made tiny impressions on you. I ran alongwith you. I thought I could beat you. You weren’t the ultimate ( you still aren’t the one ) but a de tour , maybe for a couple of years.

    You had other plans. Certainly. After the initial euphoria, came the steep learning curve. Things happened really fast and both of us grappled with the reality. A few of my dreams lost life. A few others emerged strongly. I still had my ambition and pride intact, in place. And we began to grow up. Inseparably. Though I never succumbed to your charms. I just let you know that I was ready to live with you for a while. Time flew and I gained experiences, changed a little bit. Not for you , for myself. I  saw friendships – both old and new – blossom , flower and finally wither. I tasted it all . I had one passionate desire and you were my ladder. But even the most passionate plans have flaws. Mine too had its share of flaws. All wasn’t rosy. There were arguments, confrontations and compromises. A whole gamut of emotions. We saw through it all. Of course, it does not matter. Whatever happened, happened because it had to. Life has no options – except for death and I had crossed it out. I love(d) life.

     The couple of years passed. I gave myself another chance – I gave you another chance – or precisely, we gave each other another chance. With a lot less frills this time. I was learning being pragmatic – from you. Nothing quite spectacular happened. I knew we had some more time together. We needed each other. To heal. To understand each other. To re-invent our relationship. Things happened – not exactly nice – but without them life wouldn’t have been the same. Grief  either kills or strengthens. I’m alive, so I guess I became stronger. The last four years with you – I was glad I knew you earlier than the others. I dreamt of someone else but I realized you weren’t that bad. We had a tangy rapport. I appreciate your generosity. You accepted me when fate shunned me. You showed me the path of redemption. The path of life.

     At fifteen I thought it was important to win. I did not know how to handle victory. Nor did I know how to learn from its poorer cousin – defeat. You taught me all that. Today, at twenty two, I know I can win, lose and again win back. The cycle goes on, making life enchanting, memorable and lovely.

   Speaking of love, I think I love you. I’ll miss you. Maybe I’ll miss you badly. I don’t know when I’m leaving. I don’t know where I’m headed to. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. I don’t know if I’ll come back to you. Uncertainties exist. But we’ll smile. Because its all we can do. 

Enclosed, a (parting) kiss  – to stop your tears.

P.S. :  This is an open love letter to the city I grew up admiring and loving.For you - my darling, dearest Bhubaneswar

Picture Courtesy : Google


Im reading your blog after a really long time..
Loved this post!! Loved the way you wrote it!
True, we have the most number of emotions associated with the city we live in :)
Fatima said…
Finally I'm back after a long hiatus and wow...the post is lovely!

At first I thought it really is a love letter but god it was for a city! Quite unpredictible...but I loved the flow and even the words chosen :)

Nice one!

Take Care.
Alka Gurha said…
Engrossing read... you sure have a way with words.
Rià said…
Wow what a lovely post n the pic is absolutely amazing!!
Priya said…
Leaving a place where u were born, lived ur whole life is unimaginable. I'm so attached to my home town, after being parted for 2 long years.

You expressed the love beautifully. It's so good to be here always.
Where ever u go, keep posting. We all love to be here.
Nitin Kumar said…
you are like a wine, with time you are getting better :)
Anwesa said…

Welcome back !

Yeah, sometimes its like a friend, ain't it ?
Anwesa said…

I missed you btw :)

Thanks :) for the compliment !
Anwesa said…

Thanks !
Anwesa said…

Thanks !

Yeah, the pic is awesome. I love Google :D
Anwesa said…

Yeah, I'll post in here. Always. It keeps me sane :D
Anwesa said…

Now look ! Who is the poet ?

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