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The eyes which knew nothing
 but love…
Are not on me today.

The lips that did nothing
 but seal to mine..
Are wordless today.

The hands that did nothing
but caress with passion…
Are away today.

The heart that did nothing
but cherish me…
Is stone today.

The soul that was
 entwined into mine…
Is in a different world today.


Lady Whispers said…
That was beautiful and yet just so sad....conveyed the pain all so well....u write magically gal
erer said…
yea... very sad :(
Shriti said…
sad :(

but awesome :)
Jaspreet said…
That's so touching and beautiful!
Rià said…
Aah so painful!!
Thousif Raza said…
how do you do it with such simple words and write so amazing ices of literature :) i'm amazed and surprised :) great :)

take care and keep writing....
Bikram said…
a beatuiful SAD poem... amazing .. very nice

Bikram's Blog
Beautiful one.. with a sad note..
Abhisek Nanda said…
Beautifully crafted ... Touched heart..
the word entwined... oh my..
just says everything that you wanted to say....
brutally crafted...
heart raking...
Tulika said…
Infinite reflections !

Beautiful verse. A lovely read. :)
shootingstar said…
Really nice the way you have expressed...touchin...

Star was here..n updated after ages :)
Anwesa said…
@Scribbling Girl,

Thank you !
In one word.. painful..

good work girl :)
Anwesa said…
Thanks for reading !
Anwesa said…
Yes...saddest thoughts give sweetest poems.
Anwesa said…
@Chocolate Lover,
Thanks !
Anwesa said…
Thanks !
Anwesa said…
I really don't write is just that I pen my imagination.

Thanks again :)
Anwesa said…
Thanks !
Anwesa said…
@Devil Incarnate,
:) Thanks for reading !
Anwesa said…
Thanks. Great hearing from you.
Anwesa said…

:) Glad you found it good enough.
Anwesa said…
Thanks !
Anwesa said…
@Shooting star,
Thanks ! Went to your blog.
Anwesa said…

Thanks :)
Anwesa said…
@The Bard,
Thanks !

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