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She sat there dazzled. By his grace, charm and presence. She knew he was not to be. It was his wedding after all. But still….her heart yearned for him. She devoured him with her eyes. No one seemed to notice. The world was busy. The bride came. The rituals began. Now he was somebody else’s man.

In a corner of the wedding hall, she stood. Smitten. She went ahead, greeted the new couple. He shook hands with her. An electric spark ran through her body. She was gleefully happy. She had a touch of him now. She came back and after an hour or so, went back home.

That night she dreamt of him. She knew it was him. Now the thirteen year old had to discover the face of her fantasy……


Nikhil Menon said…
Which 13 year old has such fantasies??Adult-ish at 13?? :O :P

Priya Joyce said…
I think teenage is the best part of human life...
specially fantasies :P
Rià said…
hmm...thats nice.
Thousif Raza said…
well i cant comment on this one... cause its sooo good :)

merry christmas and a happy new year, may gods grace be always on you... and may angels alwayz be with you with every step you take, and with every decision you make :)

take care and keep writing............
Rajlakshmi said…
first crush eh!!!
well penned :)
Hemanth Potluri said…
awesomely written sis ..:)..

Loved the post, and I think "She devoured him with her eyes" was the statement that nailed this to perfection... well written..
Pankhuri said…
you have been awarded :)

check my blog :)
Me said…
:) beautiful...
Pooja said…
I cudnt have agreed more with Priya..

lovely write-up!
Anwesa said…
hmm..many do :P

kiddish(foolish) at 13 :)
Anwesa said…
@lil' priya,
yeah :) imagination at its peak :)
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
yeah..fiction tho :)
Anwesa said…

Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…

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