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The deepest desires of life are always fulfilled ;
Only the hows,whens and whys surprise us.


Anil Sawan said…
anwe-isms are indeed quite interesting!

This ones strikes to the true bottom!
Thousif Raza said…
how true wow you are just getting better and better, love it gr8 going ya ;)

take care and keep writing................
Anonymous said…
True :)
Nikhil Menon said…
waah waah waah my lioness.. :P

Rià said…
yes thats so right!!Where r u these days?? dont see u on my blog anymore. :(
Me said…
absolutely bang-on :)
dethsoul said…
deep but true......
S said…
true ... but with an exception, not always, yes mostly !

I was unaware of Anwe-ism .. but no more !:D

In love with me and life

Blogrolling and following you know :) .. be sure to find me more here !! And yeah you need to join back too (if you don't wanna get sued) :P

Take care and blessings !
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
thanks sunny boy!!!
Anwesa said…
@lil' priya,
thanks baby!!!
Anwesa said…
thanks dear!!!
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
thanks a lot!!!!
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
thanks dear!!!
very sorry 4 nt being regular to ur blog,me is a creature whos busy for nothing :D :P
Anwesa said…
thanks dear!!!!
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
thanks for visiting!!!
guess ll visit you soon :)
Ratzzz said…
hmmm.. i wont agree... the wait is too long that u forget ur deepest desires :|
Anwesa said…
@the rat,
thats the precise reason why we are surprised..n beliv it or not,our deepest desires are never forgotten...might be locked in some obscure corner of our hearts....but forgotten!never.
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful thought... err Anwe-ism :) I totally believe in this, and have seen this come true many, many times.
Anwesa said…
:) thanks for visiting!!!

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