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It did not matter when we disagreed….

It did not matter when we had differences…..

It did not matter when we fought….

It did not matter when we lost the warmth…..

It did not matter when our relationship became passive….

It did not matter when we met rarely….

It mattered when you left without a goodbye….


Priya Joyce said…
but a good one :)
Anonymous said…
awwwe, hope it was fiction!
Good work!
Tc :)
Tara said…
It matters when Anwesa posts. And it matters a lot. :)

Beautiful. :)
Anonymous said…
nicely written..!
Vinz said…
why such pains have to be there in life...?

but again, it matters..!!

Arv said…
thats a real low blow... sadly, people do that to us :(

Hope this is just fiction mate...

take care...

Thousif Raza said…
another great 55 fiction, damn why do people do like that first showing all the care and love then not even a good bye, i mean even stangers say that even when they casually meet, sigh

take care and keep writing.................
Anonymous said…
it is really hard and tough to face that feeling when someone close to use move away.. been there and have come out of it..
Rià said…
that was painful indeed!
Freelancer said…
ouch! that ought to hurt the most
Naina said…
hardhitting.. :( ouch!
alok said…
a wordless emotion, painful & hard to express.

Yea, true......

Nothing will be mattered, once you are out of the matter.... means, If you are not at all a matter to yourself then no other matter will be a matter to you....

Again, even though you are a matter of deep rooted, then other matter wont up root you!

Both ways its true!
Nicely put!
Cinderella said…
Its sad, but you knw I kind of find solace in it, thinkin so I aint the only one..who had unseen goodbyes.

Give it 3-4 or such goodbyes, thats when that would stop mattering too. Thats the way of life baby.
Akshat said…
strong......loved it!!!

opefully something like this does not happen to you!!!
thats too real.

i hate it when it happens...
Abhishek Behera said…
after the sweet doses of anwesism this was a bitter pill!
that is what he did.
that is exactly what he did....
everything ... but left without saying a goodbye
Thousif Raza said…
hey anwesa there is no liking your post, cause i love them, and every time you write i am more and more inspired and influenced, the main source of creativity for me is you and also my biggest competitor

well you dint reply to my email so i am saying here itself, well on this friendship day may i have the honor of being your friend, if yes then just reply me to my email,

take care and keep writing........
Anonymous said…
OMG anwe, i can so relate to this post....
Me said…
Oh! this reminds me... I left some people without saying a Bye... I shud have done that. :(

beautiful lines, Anwesa!
Keshi said…
Anwesa I so know the feeling...some ppl hv done that to me...ppl who promised me the world and then left w.o. a goodbye. And the hurt is not in how the r'ship turned sour, it's in how they left. ur spot on. I like this one alot.

Pooja said…

"Now you were here, with me, no matter what..and now, I am alone.. I never realised when you left me behind.."
Suree said…
it matters whenever u post...

nice one....
Anonymous said…
Very very touching, Di...

Long time... Hope you've been doing good :)
Anonymous said…
In a way,your post reflects a paradox.A lot of things were already happening before the final exit and since it was pretty conceivable,why bother about the formalities of saying a Good bye ! What do you have to say about that ?
Anwesa said…
thanx for reading dear!!!
Anwesa said…
@lil' priya,
thanx dear!!!
Anwesa said…
yes dear!!its all fiction :)
thanx 4 reading!!!
Anwesa said…
thank u dear!!!!
ur 1-liners are always awesome...
Anwesa said…
thank u!!!
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
@vinz aka vinu,
maybe that's called life-a game of pain....

thanks 4 reading...
Anwesa said…
yes,its painful..
n this was fiction :)
Anwesa said…
@thousif raza m b,
mayb to jolt us awake 4m our dreamy lives....

thanks 4 reading...
Anwesa said…
thanks for reading dear!!!
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
hey..u needn't get hurt..enjoy life gal!!! n thanks 4 comin here...
Anwesa said…
@alok, words or picture suffice this pain
Anwesa said…
thanks for coming here....
Anwesa said…
yes dear!!!but the first blow is always shattering,isn't it?
Anwesa said…
me too hopes that it never happens to anybody i love...
Anwesa said…
thanks for reading...
Anwesa said…
@abhishek sim,
guess it neutralized the taste...
:D or on a humorous note,variety is the spice of life :)
Anwesa said…
thanks dear!!!
Anwesa said…
i wish your life were different and rosier....lotsa love....
Anwesa said…
sorry for the delay....waiting for the opportune moment :)
Anwesa said…
thanks dear!!!!
Anwesa said…
yes,you should not have done that...

thanks for everything dear!!!!
Anwesa said…
hugzie dearie..lotsa luv...
Anwesa said…
....yet life goes on...
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
thanks dear!!
me fine....u?
Anwesa said…
it has tremendous possibilities, maybe she wanted a break,not his really can run your imagination why was that goodbye necesssary.
Tushar Sathe said…
room for improvement.. u have got the idea.. jus make it work.. cheers
Rocky said…
It might be fiction for you. But you wrote it. It's real for me.
It mattered when she left without even saying a goodbye.
Anwesa said…
@tushar sathe,
thanks for the suggestion!!!

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