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Showing posts from June, 2009


A nother bright day - C hallenging the spirit of man. R oused from slumber of sloth, O verpowering the base desires, S eemingly naïve yet motivated mind, T akes on enemy camp unexpectedly. I t is a sight to lo and behold ! C arving a niche for self in the wide world.


I reminisce the twilights When you and I sat in composure, Dwelling on the frivolities of life. We charmed each other and Proclaimed our love to the world. Rapturous meetings continued- There was an air of reckless affection. We might have been alienated by circumstances But dear ! My mind and spirit are still yours. Think of me in the darkest hours, I’ll be there for you- Together we shall annihilate All our foes. We were always meant to be together So what if fate did not bring us close forever ? The beauty of “us” is eternal. P.S: Please do read the previous post- a 55f.


I know I hurt you, quarrel with you, fight with you, make you smile again; lose you as well as win you back. My silence kills you, my whims irritate you. Your indifference pokes me, carelessness angers me and your words pierce me. We are still together because ............................................... we never cease loving each other.

Flowers picked : 75

I was collecting all flowers nature could offer me in this garden. I always counted them. Then came the seventy-fifth one. There was nothing so special about it .Except that I wanted to thank all those who had made my experience beautiful. T he flowers in my hand H eralded an era of friendship, A strong bond of trust. N ostalgia grips me- K aleidoscope of memories S et to glimmer my life . I would like share with you an excerpt from a blogger friend who has added a new zeal to my blogging journey. I’ve already sent it to most of my friends but I’m impelled to post it here again. P.S Anwesa this if or you You have literally been a turning point in my life, So Here is an acrostic only for you 'ANWESA' A s the fragrance of the rose, she makes her presence felt N atural she is, without a ounce of lie W orld seems to slow down, when you read what she writes E verything from her name to her writing, feels like a sweet melody S mart, Subtle and Simply Superb you are, A n aura you cre...


Sometimes I yearn for you, Wish you could comfort me When I’m down, caress me When tired. I look for you everywhere- All I see is evil. Hands to kill my innocence. Eyes that cut deep into my soul. I cry. Bitterly. Hoping against hope I’ll Discover you someday. Place my head on your bosom And weep out my sorrows. I die a million deaths In my quest for you. Dreaming lazily about our Enamouring encounters, Amidst peace and plenty. Bestowing each other with love- Unheard and unseen ever. The romance ends one day, I lose you to the world. Again its solitude for me. I look for someone else like you And the longing never ends. I realize the elusive truth In my last breath. I should have looked within me. You are within me. In my imagination. So pure, so dazzling that The Maker dared not infuse You in the real world. He knew you would be Tarnished, scathed by vice. You are a dear part of my life, Very much within me. All of us are the enchanted Musk deer. PIC COURTESY:Google


"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." I strongly disagree. “Anewsha”, "Anusuya”,"Aneysaa”, "Amrisha”(!!!!!) and “Amisha”(:P) are the names which I had to deal with. Its so damn disgusting. My parents took so much pain to name me and the greatest fools on earth couldn’t even roll their tongues to it. Damn irritating ! Once a teacher remarked-“ Bahut hi thedha naam he aapka ”(“Your name is too twisted”). To which I involuntarily replied, " Tedha he par mera he ”(No, Kurkure hadn’t banked on this line then). Usually it’s the oldies who can’t pronounce my name.(No offence meant to the elders). I wish people call my name as it is actually. Else what is the purpose of having such a nice name ? ************* Year : 2007 Place : Some coaching centre, Bhubaneswar Time : 2 PM Batches of students were leaving the centre after a test. The elevator was full. The stairs were overcrowded. Miss X took the stairs. The tes...