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The rain-clouds are coming !

To wipe out the misery
Of the profaned, disillusioned farmer
And his poor family.

To satiate the thirst of dry earth
And usher in greenery
And prosperity.

To let the peacocks dance in joy
And enthrall the onlookers
with its performance.

To tell the whole world that
However hot the summer is,
a shower is enough to kill all of it.

But can it ever cool
The flames of hatred and negativity
Of human minds ?

I’m waiting of a shower that will
Wash away evil
And sow the seeds of love and peace.


Lucifer said…
vy nicely put...m waitin too!!! :)
Phoenix said…
me too waiting for the same
Tara said…
You just amaze me each time Anwesa...another beauty from the trove. :) Waiting for that shower...
Rocky said…
nicely put :)
let's hope everything turns out as we wanted ::)
yamini meduri said…
waiting for it from a long time...but dear, think it will not happen that easily..!!!
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 readin bro!!
Anwesa said…
yes,n waitin desperately...
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading!!
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 d compliments gal!!!glad 2 kno dat u liked it so much.
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading!!
Anwesa said…
yes dear!!but we can try 4 it-at least a drop...a rain begins wid a drop,isnt?
Sandeep Balan said…
the last three lines were simply great spurs you up...the best thing about this post is the build up to those last lines...flawless...great to be back and reading all of you...feels back! ;-)
Anil Sawan said…
aint nature telling us the truth.. global warming and pollution has gifted chemaical rains in many parts of the world.. its similar.. our thoughts and our attitude has gifted rains of evil.. lets change ourself, lets change our surroundings and then wait. :)

good poem!
Pri said…
amen! i wish it rains that way soon....
loved your perspective :)
Anwesa said…
@sandeep balan,
welcome bac n thanx 4 reading!!
Anwesa said…
liked ur response..thanx 4 readin..
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!
Aneesh said…
very well written :)
Everyone's waiting for the same
Akshat said…
Everyone is waiting for such a downpour that would wash away evil!! JOIN THE CLUB!!

A very good composition....

Take Care
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading!!!
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 visitin n reading my blog bro!!!keep blogging..
I wish it was raining now?

Do you like the smell of the earth when it rains?
Anwesa said…
@twisted elegance,
i too wish so..
yes,i like the smell...
Richa said…
its lovely..

PS i love rains :)
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!
i'll b posting ur tag next.
Anonymous said…
Wow.... that's a wonderful one.. loved this poem...
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading!!
Hemanth Potluri said…
beautifully done anwesa :)..i am waiting for te showers :)..

Anonymous said…
anwesa, u r brilliant! :)

loved it.. loved it!
Anwesa said…
thanx a lot..

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