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What do I do if I’m not with my books or laptop? Well, I sleep soundly. No matter how noisy the surroundings are, I always enjoy my slumber. This causes much embarrassment at times. Several incidents come to my mind but I vividly remember the funniest of them.

It happened when I had my annual examinations of seventh standard. We had just moved into our new house .It was a busy period as my uncle’s wedding was a week away. My parents had to supervise almost everything . Mamma and Papa were too busy with the tit-bits of work- paying the workers, buying gifts ,etc (doing all that is to be done in a typical Indian wedding). Now I had assumed some responsibilities at home- I’m a big girl now, I chuckled to myself. I was deprieved of my sound sleep because I was dead tired at the end of the day. I had a language paper the next day. I bolted the room and started preparing for the examination on a hot summer afternoon.
I was brought to reality when something poked me. I was sleeping on the bed with the book on the pillow !! I opened my eyes to see the curtain rod being whisked gently and heard Papa’s voice near the open window,”Open the door now.” I unbolted the door and again went to sleep.

Later that evening, Mamma heard about the incident and what followed was pure laughter for the whole family. I had bolted the room where all cash was kept and Papa needed to pay a worker immediately. He first knocked my door, it did not rouse me.He said he almost shouted my name alongwith two or three other people(the workers who were waiting for their wages.) They banged the door with their hands with full force. Imagine six hands banging a teak door bolted from inside. The curtain rod idea stuck to Papa and finally it yielded result. A good half an hour later.

This incident tickles me to laughter even now and I’m happy to be called “The New Age Kumbhakarna”.


Tara said…
Yaay! First! :)

I can so relate to this. I don't sleep much, but when I sleep, I really sleep! Once I had slept and amma, who had just returned from office kept ringing the bell, tried the cellphones and the land line, and finally gave up! It was only when I got up that I opened the door and amma was at our neighbour's place for a good one-and-a-half hours! :D We still crack up thinking about it! :)
Anwesa said…
hahahahahaha..i'v had similar exeriences with my
but she always gets up after about 10-15 minutes.:D
Rakesh said…
LOL nice one...yes for me to lazing around at home and sleeping is something i njoy
Faith Lasts said…
hahah, yeah!That is something ! and I thought I was the only one ;-D
Anwesa said…
hmm..same pinch!!!thanx 4 reading..
Anonymous said…
lolzzz...great post!
very nice incident!
more of such incidents please...
:)Keep smiling
Anwesa said…
u'v got company dear!!just read d comments 2 this post and u'll see number of frnds we have!! :D
Anwesa said…
thanx dear!!!i thot my readers wud like 2 read this after a sad v'de post.n i'll try 2 maintain d balance of khatta-meetha on d blog.
Phoenix said…
hahah lol!

i however had a similar incident but different outcome had gone to the temple and came home n yelled for me.. i was watching tv n fell asleep...the moment i opened the door to a full neighborhood, sleepy n drowsy still.. the first thing i received was a smack... :( :P
Anwesa said…
birds of same feather flock
yamini meduri said…
i love sleeping too...but hardly get time for a sound sleep..!!!
DMulan said…
and i thought i was the worst :P
Anwesa said…
seek n thou shalt find!
thanx 4 reading gal!!
Anonymous said…
I remember sleeping like that during my brother's wedding. I went in to the bedroom, locked the door from inside. It took a few people to wake me up :)
Anwesa said…
lol..more is yet to come..wait 4 further comments on this post..
Richa said…

OMG Anwesa, i too love sleeping n u gave me an idea, ill too come up with an anecdote platter with my sleeping habits :D
my folks call me kumbhakarna too :D
Anwesa said…
wow!!!n u too join d gang!!!
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading!!!n i'm waitin eagerly 2 read ur post!!!
Lucifer said…
man!!! u even broke my record...i slept thru d latur earthquake...but u tk d cake
Anwesa said…
thanx!!!!n i njoyed d cake!!!
alok said…
Kumbhkanarna kara krupa saada rahu :D
Anonymous said…
hey anwesa how r u ?
Abhishek Behera said…
hehe.. :D Great Post!

(p.s.: i got exams 2morro. at one end this post cheered me up. at the other end it makes me feel more sleep-deprived.)
Anonymous said…
i thought you were talking abt me when i read the title! :D

i fell asleep in my computer lab, its one of those autolocks, so a whole 3 hours later only, i could hear them banging on the door :D

poor junior batch had to forego lab that day :P
Si_Lee said…
he he ... well all i will say is those were the good old days .. i guess jobs and dreams can change that ...
nice read
Anwesa said…
dhanyavaad..nidra hi sreshtha sukha
Anwesa said…
@abhishek sim,
aww...too sad..sleep a lot after the test.
Anwesa said…
welcome to the gang!!wow!!!ur xperience is really worth blogging!!
Anwesa said…
@towards reclamation,
maybe...thanx 4 reading!!
RiverSoul said…
Hee hee
That was exquisitely funny
Happened to me too
Anwesa said…
welcome 2 d gang of sound sleepers bro!!!its membership is increasing exponentially..:)
Keshi said…
hahaha what a title!

u sleep so much? Im the opp Anwesa. I just cant sleep! Im an 'avid' insomniac :) Im hyper, Im super fast, Im AWAKE even when Im sleeping haha!

Anwesa said…
really? i wish we were mixed up together and divided into 2 equal parts.dat wud b perfect!!!
Pooja said…
oh my r such a deep sleeper...
n m a total opposite...der cudnt b a lighter sleepr dan me...
Anwesa said…
opposites attract!!!
Mana said…
hehehhe.. I've faced such experiences esp during egghams :)
Anwesa said…
welcome 2 my blog!!:)thanx 4 reading!!
Haritha P Singh said…
hmm..i feel the same..
i love sleepin yar
nice post..

b happy
Anwesa said…
thanx 4 reading gal!!
bondgal_rulz said…
Lol !! This had me in splits !!

I wish we could specify sleeping as a hobby on our resumes. ;)

Anwesa said…
yo,it wud b brilliant!!!!

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