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Well,it seems it is my turn to do tags now.Tagged by Abhishek Sim.A cool tag.Here it is-

1)What is your occupation?
currently occupied by many things. Well,I’m a blogger.

2)What colour are your socks now?
First tell me,where are my socks?

3)What are you listening to now?
Mom’s telling a story .

4)What was the last thing you ate?
Maybe someone’s head. seriously speaking,just had dinner.don’t ask me the menu.

5)Can you drive a stick shift?
What’s that?

6)Last person you spoke to on phone?

7)Do you like the person who sent you this?
Of course, I do like him.

8)How old are you today?
I feel like 25 today.

9)What is your favourite sport to watch on TV?

10)What are your favourite drinks?
Milk, mom made coffee, a host of fresh fruit juices and how can I forget,hot chocolate.

11)Have you ever dyed your hair ?
Never till now.

12)Favourite food?
Anything that comes out of Mamma’s kitchen

13)Last movie watched?
Vivah on TV

14)Favourite day of the year?
My birthday of course.

15)How do you vent out your anger?
By remaining cross for sometime

16)Favourite toy as a child?
A big gun

17)Favourite season?

18)Do you want your friends to email you?
Yes,of course.

19)When was the last time you cried?
This Sunday,while watching Vivah

20)What is on the floor of your closet?
Some old bags with dust upon them.

21)Who is the friend you have had the longest?
My cute lil’ sis

22)What did you do last night?
Completed a lab assignment ,slept and dreamt of course.

23)What are you most afraid of?

24)Plain,cheese or spicy hamburger?

25)Favourite dog breed ?
No idea about canine breeds.

26)Favorite day of the week?

27)How many states have you lived in?
One and only one

28)Diamond or pearl?
Both.Actually its the wrong question-it should be diamond and pearl.(to Abhishek sim-this is the brownie point of the tag. how can I resist the temptation of a pearl necklace interlaced with diamond nuggets.)

29)What is your wish for this new year?
Enough of bloodshed,a gift of peace for the entire world.

30)New year resolutions?
Never take any resolution. Wasn’t this a resolution ? Oops!!I messed it up.

I now want to tag- Suresh Kumar
All my readers can do this tag if they like.


Phoenix said…
awesome tag girl.. me likes it!! :P

smart answers too :) and yay im the first to comment...
Phoenix said…
btw you didnt collect the awards i made and distributed??!! no.. i mean i was just asking.. :D

btw im 2nd to comment too...
Abhishek Behera said…
smart answers!

How about some feedback? :D (read, evil grin)

19. made me cry too :P

30. cool answer!

7. thank you!! :)

28. That is OR not XOR. So AND is redundant!!! OR is flexible!

Yes, diamond with pearl is a good choice. I hadn't thought of that.

29. lovely.
Aneesh said…
Mom telling stories.. Even now? Cool :P
Mamma's girl :)

Nice tag.. 'N thanks for tagging.
Me said…
I love this tag... and I am gonna do it as soon as I can... but am not sure if I will be able to match up ur sense of humor there...

With every post, we see a new side of ur persona... today I got to know that a sensitive,concerned, talented writer has an amazing sense of humor...and am bowled over :)
peter said…
he he all seedhe saadhe answers ..jalebi types :P
Yamini Meduri said…
nice tag answers too..!!!
Anonymous said…
Some old bags with dust upon them.
(lolzz-everybody's closet is the same!)
and I loved your answers-spot on anwesa! continue please:)
Anwesa said…
thanx gal.n ur tagged by me.i collected d awards but gimme sumtym yaar...n thanx 4 being 1st n 2nd to comment...ciao..
Anwesa said…
@abhishek sim,
thanx....well,gals n jewellery make a gr8 combo..
Anwesa said…
thanx..waiting 2 read d tag...
Anwesa said…
as usual,i'm bowled by ur comments..thanx is too small 4 it.
lukin 4wd 2 read d tag on ur blog.
Anwesa said…
ji haan...dhanyavad...
Anwesa said…
thanx gal!!
Anwesa said…
yes dear!!evry1's closet is d same
**kahaani ghar ghar ki**
Hemanth Potluri said…
those were cool ans's and nice tag :)..

Rià said…
hmm everybody around seems to b doin this tag. Nice answers. :) Btw v r co-authors of the Femme Fatale blog. So jus dropped by to say a hi!
Anwesa said…
Anwesa said…
hi!well gonna visit u soon..femme fatale rocks..
Anonymous said…
thanku ji for tagging me...doin it soon
Anwesa said…
awaiting it..:)

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