किसीको मुक़म्मल जहाँ नहीं मिलता , कहीं ज़मीन , तो कहीं आसमां नहीं मिलता । 2014 has arrived and five days have already gone by. Gone with the cold wave it seems. Last year was good. Two good holiday trips, a weekend trip to Mumbai, getting a first hand experience of 'corporate healthcare' (as an attendant) and the usual drama - that is how I can sum up 2013. Well, let bygones be bygones. A fresh look towards future solves many problems. As if they never were. My wish list for 2014 : Not this year :( Done. Sometime in March. Done. Sometime in February. Will continue :) Last but not the least - She'll be with me in April and May. Rest of the months - fingers crossed ! I hope the important wishes will be granted sooner. And wishing everyone in the universe an incredibly fulfilling year.